The shift to remote working and the acceleration of cloud-based services have put a strain on identity and access management infrastructure. As remote access becomes the norm rather than the exc...
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have exploded in value—making them an ever-more attractive target for scammers and hackers. So is cryptocurrency secure? How can businesses and individuals mak...
Shared security, also known as shared responsibility, is a cloud security management model that describes the distribution of enterprise data security management and accountability between a com...
Network security encompasses the security tools, policies, and techniques used to monitor, prevent, and respond to unauthorised network access. Having such a broad definition and, therefore, cha...
The threat and arrival of quantum computers is ever-present with physics breakthroughs, more Qubits, quantum “supremacy”, and cloud service providers designing quantum computers, but what does i...
Organizations have only just begun discovering and benefiting from the opportunities provided by the Internet of Things. The ability to capture and analyze data from distributed connected device...
The shift to remote work and the acceleration of the shift to cloud-based infrastructure have profoundly impacted security teams. With the security risks and threats that these changes pose, mos...
Passwordless and FIDO authentication is one of the hottest topics on the radar of identity and access management professionals. While passwordless authentication offers convenience for end users...
5G connectivity promises to break traditional paradigms of data delivery by providing network connectivity virtually everywhere. To accommodate this new paradigm in diverse data delivery, the bu...
More digital will mean more cloud. Now in the second year, the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has prompted an acceleration in the adoption of cloud technologies by IT leaders worldwide, which loo...