More digital will mean more cloud. Now in the second year, the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic has prompted an acceleration in the adoption of cloud technologies by IT leaders worldwide, which loo...
Are the current rules and regulations for securing information and maintaining privacy fit for purpose when you think about the future? Do you think work and lifestyle changes brought about by C...
Many businesses have been forced to accelerate their digital transformation strategies due to the pandemic and doing it successfully has become a major challenge. What do organisations do to tra...
In this episode we are looking ahead at what we can expect in 2021 and reviewing how 2020’s remote working, separation from family and teams have changed us. Have a listen to some of the interes...
More digital also means more interactions where the various parties are interacting without knowing each other. This is linked to the much needed focus on digital identity, IAM, CIAM, authentica...
More digital, means more ecommerce, more digital payments, more financial fraud and cybercrime and ultimately more risk. Many organisations within the payment sector are being pushed into digiti...
More remote, more digital, more risk: what do we do about that? Are businesses being forced into digital transformation too quickly and therefore cutting corners?
In this Episode, hosted...